Key Dates 2024 Grant Cycle

Below were the important dates from our 2024 grant cycle. While this grant cycle is no longer in session, please refer to the general timeline below when planning for your grant submission in 2025. Email with any questions.

January 2

Applications open. Please ensure that your organization meets the criteria described on the application before submitting. More information and detail is available in our 2024 Grant FAQs.

February 6

Optional Q&A Session from 12pm-1pm via zoom.  If you have any questions about the grant process or the application, please feel free to join us. We will post a video of this session after the event. 

February 23

Applications close and must be received by 11:59pm.

April 1

All applicants notified of their status via e-mail. All semi-finalists will receive at $500 donation. Semi-finalists will be asked to provide availability for a 1 hour zoom call.

April 1-22

Financial review and zoom calls with leadership. All semi-finalists will be asked to provide current year budget, latest financial information, and 990‘s if they are not publicly available. 

May 2

Finalists announced, semi-finalists that did not advance will also be notified. All finalists will receive a grant. We aim for one of the grants to be close to $100,000 given over 1-3 years, with additional smaller grants for the other finalists.

May 13-17

Video shoot--our grant review team will reach out to schedule a 2 hour time block to create a video about your organization. This will happen in a location that is convenient to the organization and should include key leaders of the organization. 

June 3

Annual celebration and announcement of the funding allocation. The nonprofits are welcome to join us for this celebration, but will not be expected to present. All voting takes place prior to the event.  

June 6

Finalists notified of funding amounts. Our finance team will work to transfer the funds as soon as feasible, certainly by end of June.